It's as though I forgot I had a blog...

Apparently, I'm not too hot at keeping a blog going. I've's just the last thing on my to-do list and half of that list never gets done anyway. What's been up with me? Life. Busy days and nights. The usual. I have LOVED my Pampered Chef business so far. The shows I've done have been so much fun. I've met all my goals and for the month of September, I was the top consultant in sales in my team. Yay! My family took their annual mountain trip the beginning of October. We went to beautiful Lake James. We stayed in one of the most gorgeous homes I've ever seen. I love the opportunity this trip gives us to grow closer. I have two cousins who live relatively close, but, our busy lives and hectic schedules prevent us from seeing each other as often as I'd like. Jacob is nearly driving and Ben is in middle school. They are both becoming amazing men and I am so thankful to have them in my family. Jacob's sense of humor keeps me guessing. I supp...