
Showing posts from May, 2012

Oh, I have a blog?

Yes, I've been a little on the sparse side as far as posting goes. We'll chalk that up to installing new computers and accounting software at work. Busy week! I really want to share a recipe but I'm not sure which to use! This week, I tried my hand at Chinese food. I found a recipe for really yummy fried rice on one of my favorite blogs.  FAVE BLOG She also gave a link to baked sweet and sour chicken. All sounds pretty easy right? Especially for a seasoned pro like myself. All in all, it was easy. Just time consuming. I like cooking over baking because I can throw things together quickly. I know what flavors work and what methods to use to get amazing results in an acceptable amount of time. This recipe will probably go smoother the next time I make it, but, I will do prep work ahead of time to help myself out. (i.e. cube chicken the night before, possibly pre-make sauce, etc.) Anyway, I am aware that you're able to follow a link and read recipes for yourself so ...

Here we go again

Me? Blogging? Again?! After a few fruitless attempts, I've been lured back in to the realm of sharing my life on a little spot of the net a hand full of people may or may not ever see. Why try again? Well, I'd hate to let my best friend down. We are going to "hold each other accountable" for our blogs. We each read several blogs and writhe in envy of these organized domestic divas. Well, it's probably not that bad. We just wanted to join the fun. In the past, I've started a blog with the BEST of intentions. Hm. Then a week later I have no recollection of ever starting one. Maybe this time will be different. Actually, I know it will be. Megan won't let me forget about it. She's promised to annoy me to death if I don't post at least once a week.  So, the big question is, why should you read my blog? Of the millions out there to enjoy, why mine? I can't promise mine is better than any other blog, but I can promise you that anything I post will ...